A Future represents the result of work that has not been completed yet. The event loop can watch for a Future object’s state to indicate that it is done, allowing one part of an application to wait for another part to finish some work.

Waiting for a Future

A Future acts like a coroutine, so any techniques useful for waiting for a coroutine can also be used to wait for the future to be marked done. This example passes the future to the event loop’s run_until_complete() method.

In [ ]:
# %load asyncio_future_event_loop.py
import asyncio

def mark_done(future, result):
    print('setting future result to {!r}'.format(result))

event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    all_done = asyncio.Future()

    print('scheduling mark_done')
    event_loop.call_soon(mark_done, all_done, 'the result')

    print('entering event loop')
    result = event_loop.run_until_complete(all_done)
    print('returned result: {!r}'.format(result))
    print('closing event loop')

print('future result: {!r}'.format(all_done.result()))

In [2]:
!python asyncio_future_event_loop.py

scheduling mark_done
entering event loop
setting future result to 'the result'
returned result: 'the result'
closing event loop
future result: 'the result'

The state of the Future changes to done when set_result() is called, and the Future instance retains the result given to the method for retrieval later.

A Future can also be used with the await keyword, as in this example.

In [ ]:
# %load asyncio_future_await.py
import asyncio

def mark_done(future, result):
    print('setting future result to {!r}'.format(result))

async def main(loop):
    all_done = asyncio.Future()

    print('scheduling mark_done')
    loop.call_soon(mark_done, all_done, 'the result')

    result = await all_done
    print('returned result: {!r}'.format(result))

event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

In [5]:
!python asyncio_future_await.py

scheduling mark_done
setting future result to 'the result'
returned result: 'the result'

Future Callbacks

In addition to working like a coroutine, a Future can invoke callbacks when it is completed. Callbacks are invoked in the order they are registered.

In [ ]:
# %load asyncio_future_callback.py
import asyncio
import functools

def callback(future, n):
    print('{}: future done: {}'.format(n, future.result()))

async def register_callbacks(all_done):
    print('registering callbacks on future')
    all_done.add_done_callback(functools.partial(callback, n=1))
    all_done.add_done_callback(functools.partial(callback, n=2))

async def main(all_done):
    await register_callbacks(all_done)
    print('setting result of future')
    all_done.set_result('the result')

event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    all_done = asyncio.Future()

The callback should expect one argument, the Future instance. To pass additional arguments to the callbacks, use functools.partial() to create a wrapper.

In [7]:
!python asyncio_future_callback.py

registering callbacks on future
setting result of future
1: future done: the result
2: future done: the result

In [ ]: